Roulette wheel in Blazor WebAssembly

Download a Roulette wheel, coded in Microsoft's newest web framework, Blazor WebAssembly. 

This involves the European roulette wheel and coding the functionality to guess whether the ball will stops on red and black.

C# coding challenges

C# coding challenges

Our online code editor allows you to compile the answer.

The user can guess whether the ball will stop on red or black, and we watch the ball go around the wheel until it stops on a particular colour. The colour of that number will determine whether the user is a winner or not.

This ASP.NET Core example is C# and Razor components. In addition, each number on the Roulette wheel will use a Razor component and C# for coding. CSS isolation has been used for styling.

This code example has been updated to .NET 8.

The order process

When you purchase the code example, you'll be given a ZIP file that contains all the code files that you can download and extract onto your machine.

Simply add your e-mail address to the form below, agree to the terms and conditions, and you'll be redirected to our payment provider to take payment.

On successful payment, our payment provider will redirect you to a page where you can download the ZIP file. A link to download the ZIP file will also be emailed to you.


This is the software that will need to be installed onto your machine.

Open the Project in Visual Studio

Open up RoundTheCode.Roulette.sln in Visual Studio.

Start the project in Visual Studio and it should automatically open https://localhost:4200 in a web browser.

From there, you'll be able to play Roulette and select whether the number is going to be red or black.

More Information

This example was done as part of a live coding challenge that we did in YouTube.

We had an hour to code the application. Within that hour, we had to design the application, and build up the functionality.

Have a watch back of our live stream to see how we went about building it.

In-addition, read about how we created the Roulette wheel in Blazor WebAssembly. Find out what approach we took, how we built up the application and see the code snippets used.