.NET 9 code example to download with its key new features

The .NET 9 release has seen a number of new features and you can download the code example to try them out for yourself.


This is the software that will need to be installed onto your machine.

Get the application working

You'll need to fill out the code example form. We will send you an email where you can download the code example.

Open up RoundTheCode.DotNet9NewFeatures.sln in Visual Studio 2022 and run the ASP.NET Core application which will be hosted on https://localhost:9992

This is how you can try out the new features:

New LINQ methods

Run either https://localhost:9992/api/linq/count-by, https://localhost:9992/api/linq/aggregate-by or https://localhost:9992/api/linq/index to test out the new LINQ methods.

Minimal API updates

Run https://localhost:9992/server-error to see the new InternalServerError method in the TypedResults static class.

The OpenAPI documentation that is produced when using ProducesProblem and ProducesValidationProblem can be viewed at https://localhost:9992/openapi/v1.json.

Developer exception page improvements

To see the new Endpoint Metadata section in the Routing tab on the developer exception page, run https://localhost:9992/api/error/error.

Keyed service support for middleware

Open up Middleware/MyMiddleware.cs to see keyed services being injected into a middleware class through the constructor and the Invoke method.

Static asset delivery optimisation

Publish the ASP.NET Core application and the publish folder will contain Gzip files .gz and Brotli .br files for the CSS and JavaScript files in the wwwroot folder.

OpenAPI document generation support

Load https://localhost:9992/openapi/v1.json to view the OpenAPI document with all the controller and Minimal API endpoints.

New HybridCache library

Run the https://localhost:9992/api/cache endpoint which uses the HybridCache library to cache the HTTP response from an external API call.

More information

Watch our .NET 9 new features video where you can see these new features and how they work.

And you can read our .NET 9 new features tutorial with explanations and examples of how each of them work.